I was returning from a work trip to Hilo. Something in my bag was setting the alarms off. The TSA guy, a local braddah, ran it through the x-ray scanner three times, then asked if he could go into my bag. I always wonder what would happen if you said “no” but I never do that. Don’t want to risk it. Anyway, he went into my bag, ran it through the scanner again and asked if he could check it yet again. He even swiped the explosive swipes too. By this time, I was wondering what was so problematic with my bag. Finally, he pulls out my kulolo. Now, whenever I go to Hilo, I stop by KTA to pick up some stuff. One thing I get for me is kulolo. Apparently the kulolo looks like C4 explosive in an x-ray. I guess I’ll take it out of my bag next time!